Wednesday 14 August 2019


She draws her sleeves , conjores a slender piece of wood  , moves the hand that wields it in circular motion ,sparks begin to fly from the lean wood which is directed at the
tattered teen.

 salaka dula menchikarula bi bi  di babi di bu  put it together and what have you got ? Bibi di babi di bu" she sings . I'm tempted to type out the rest of fairy god mothers words but truth be told its harder to type it than it is to sing it ... Plus I get the feeling that I am typing nonsense this scene is one of favourite in the first  Cinderella, I did the best I could to memorize the spell thanks to Channel's airing it periodically on Sundays ... Oh yea channel's is where I watched awesome cartoons before DVD and DSTV came Into my life .... Sha that's not the reason I am typing today .
At the backyard away from the watchful eyes of my mother , hoping that the fusion of my wand which really was just a dry twig , combined with my creased forehead and tightly shut eye , singing fairy godmother's words wishing they would bring me my heart desires . No , I am not telling you my wish or maybe I  am just way too embarrassed to tell y'all..
 since magic is not smiled uponhere and well I don't have pictures of myself doing this , the picture above would serve as a template . Now picture an eight year old me wearing a multicolored dress , no hair bow , shuku in place of this kids flowing hair and a freshly picked twig in place of her beautiful wand , replace her fair skin with my chocolate skin tone , don't forget to swap her facial expression for my grimace. There , you have a mental picture of me chanting , more like shouting fairy god mother's spell . Did it  work? I believe we all know the answer but for those that  are slow,  it did not work.  Did I stop? 🤣 I didn't oh I came back each noon stronger , with more knowledge of the words after hard work each morning pausing,  reversing and replaying the scene over and over till I got tired . There were obstacles , majorly begging my siblings who would have beat me up for interrupting the fairytale . Some might refer to it as being cute , naive but I know a lot of people who would out rightly declare it stupid.   The truth is we all have wishes,  words that literally make no sense but like the tiny me we still hold on to our "wands" , crease our foreheads , visualize our wishes,  open our eyes to find that our wishes have not been brought to life.  We leave to gather enough strength, faith , returning the following noon we clam our sticky fingers round a slightly bigger twig just because the previous "wand " was probably too small too crooked .Armed with a higher tempo we once again chant fairy godmother's words , open our eyes,  disappointed with the absence of the fufiled wish we go home,  re-memorize the spell and repeat the process . For some Of us,  we try using the famous" bibidibabidibu "in areas of our finance , relationships , education , marriages and the list goes on and on . Point is we tend to hold on to the rhythmic babblings of fairy godmother , hoping that our outfits would become the envy of everyone at the ball

,  we forget that though fairy godmother appearance and chants made Cinderella and all of us ...  All of us except her stepmother and sisters happy , she's not real, neither is Cinderella.

 Fairy godmother's words are simply catchy and rhythmic.We carry on in the real world armed with her words thinking a string of rhythmic words would solve our problems,we grow devastated wondering why it wouldn't work, oblivious to the fact that just singing magical words and wishful thoughts  without taking action does nothing but make you miserable . Fairytales are nice,  and cool for unwinding but a recipe for a disastrous life. On this note I am going to watch Cinderella again

1 comment:

Adios.... Maureen

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