Saturday 13 February 2021

Love.... Green


So it's a few hours to Valentine and I'm

most definitely sitting at home 

* No I'm not lonely * either way ,I have an epiphany ... Or had an epiphany ? Bruhv or chic the deal is I had this thought and decided to share. 

Most of us have watched the dream work animation "Shrek " and if you haven't seen it? 

 Emmm, I'll be nice and give you a bit of background because hey it's the season of love and well you can always credit my account 

 Photo credit :Pinterest

* love shouldn't be one sided my guy😋 *

So quick summary. Once upon a time in a kingdom far far away lived a princess,  a beautiful one at that who was gifted an equally hideous curse. Her parents locked her away in a tower where a prince

 * clears throat Prince Charming my dia* would rescue her,  kiss her,  break the spell and they'd live happily ever after.  Yunno regular fairy tale suntin .


Fiona got a major script make over one that I think everyone should have. 

Tall Fiona,  You let me give you a minute to appreciate this princess 

Photo source : google 

Ignore her stance . And take a look at the 5'10 tall princess

Look at that waist so snatched , I mean so many of us are dying to have the figure eight

 * this applies to both male and female so let me hear word *

Princess Fiona traded it for this 

Photo source : Pinterest

Uhum that's right honey,  she went from size four to  size 8/10 , gave up her thigh gaps for cellulite thighs 

(I didn't say it, fairy godmother did) 

Either way, I've been using the either way line too much but either way Fiona and Shrek realize that sometimes , well most times happiness isn't dependent on size , title ( she was to be a queen) or territory she let go of the palace life and decided to live in the swamp with her one true love.  I bet you if she had married that short demon named farquad

Photo source : Pinterest

 she would have been miserable her entire life . Fiona and we'll a whole lot of us,  myself included have thought that looking a certain way was the definite key to love and a happily ever after I'd leave you to find our on your own.  

Okay I can't do it.  Looks aren't everything! Love goes way beyond that.  I mean this princess is kissing him with mud on his face 

(that's why it's an animation ) you sha get the point 

Sometimes all we need is for our ideal fairy tale scripts to be flipped . Love yourself. You aren't hideous.  

This is me jumping into self love and embracing myself I hope you do the same. 


P.s my exam is starting on the 22nd of February 

For those of us who are saying ehn she's stupid for choosing to turn green . He became human for her.  But I'd tell you about it later. 

Plus it's based on a true story 

P.s I use Gtbank 

1 comment:

Adios.... Maureen

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