Monday 20 April 2020

fairytale suntin

"And they lived happily ever after. "
When you hear
this line, it's all good, you know that the story is over even before "the end " is displayed in italics.  It's Game over for the witch,  for the evil step mother , ain't nobody going to ruin their lives again. It's also permission for wide eyed six year olds to let out joyful noise.
Another ingredient , the major ingredient for six to ten years old fantasies of princes coming on white horses to rescue them from evil , kiss them and riding into the sunset .
Picture source :Pinterest

 Remember them?

"fairytales ?! Ugh grow up "
"That shit is for babies"  *cue: roll your eyes and flip your hair.  That's if you can flip the braids you suspect Iya Risika made too tight to get back at you for being an alaroro*
"How were we so dumb to watch that stuff "
"I can't believe I watched that stuff"

Now I understand that we are grown ups now and Fairytales just aren't  our thing anymore. (P.s if you still watch them,  you have my love 100 percent. 😘)
So here's why we were huge fans , cheerleaders and why we really rooted for Fairytales when we were younger .
 The reason why we watched fairytales
 * drum roll please*😁 was because we knew the end.  That's right.  We knew the end.  Pretty girl suffers, pretty girl is a new interest for cute prince , Someone wants her dead,  almost succeeds . Evil person dies ( always).  Prince and pretty girl kiss,  smooch and ride into the sunset the end.
Stupid πŸ˜‚ thank goodness this thing only applied to books and movie preferences right?

Not exactly . Knowing the end is really important to humans. A big deal,really .   I mean people hold on to their faith and embrace persecution because they know how it end.  Shinny crown or 7 virgins or just blissful reincarnation . We choose to stay in certain relationships because we know how it'll end ( a ring,  kids or not,  dying old).  Still think it's stupid ?πŸ˜‚It's why we use palm readers,  go for tarot card readings, why we sign up for astromary's mail.  We desperately want to know how it all ends . Because we don't know how it'll end,  because we don't know if we'd be blessed with the "and they lived happily ever after " or "earned happily ever after " whichever works for you
πŸ™„ we stay In our boring Jobs , cussing and swearing (internally of course , we don't want to loose our job now do we? πŸ˜‚), why we haven't moved out,  why we don't say hello to that cute guy at the ATM queue or bus ( Jumoke this one is for you ) , it's why we don't walk up to that lady,  why we haven't worn that dress,  why we haven't changed our hair colour or gotten the dramatic hair cut  to come to life 😫, why we don't mention that we are broke,  why we don't sign up for competitions , why we don't open our arms for a hug. Why we don't lean in first for the kiss we've been dying to hav.e You get the picture right ? Why we don't have sex because πŸ˜‚ you just might get pregnant no matter the birth control method or be recorded without your consent or both ( you thought I had repented? πŸ˜„)  . Point is we don't take chances,  we stick to the safest things we know because its easier to stay and live a bleak,  boring life than live the life you want uncertain of what would happen next.  I'm not going to tell you what to do. NEH not today ...... Forget it,  I can't help myself πŸ˜… I'm going to watch frozen tonight that's for sure.  No one really knows what's going to happen next, enjoy your life., talk to that dude,  Call that friend , text your ex (fair warning if they weren't abusive 😌) , sing out loud , sing off key (it's therapeutic πŸ€—) , murder lyrics,  take vodka oh yea be ready for the hangover πŸ€“ . Kidding , it only happens when you take more than your system can handle,  eat ice cream , have pizza,  go shopping (with sense pleaseπŸ™„) . Alright-y gotta watch cartoon now.  I love you . Oh stop it overly religious human,  I might have a ticket but I can still love .
                   Signed unrepentant girl with first class ticket to hell 😘
P.s I really could kill Thanos just to have the time stoneπŸ’†. Plus I really like this art.  Chill out Anastasia , Its not like I am  going to still your art or somethingπŸ™„
Again this is from Pinterest 😎
                    Again people girl from hell .                                                would write soon


Adios.... Maureen

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